Bike Path In The Sky

Bike Path In the sky

Kolelinia is a concept for riding your bike on a bike path in the sky constructed of steel wire. Architect Martin Angelov created the Kolelinia project for the Line of Site International Architecture Competition and won the City Transportation Interchange section. Martin later presented his concept at the TEDx conference after a few design refinements.  This bike path promises to not only provide a means of transport but quite an experience! 

The bike path in the sky would not replace normal bike lanes but help in problematic zones. The overhead path could also be used as a bridge from one street level to another. Specific stations of simple platforms would be set up along the route where you can enter the lines. 

The bike path consists of a 12 inch deep furrow or trench that holds your wheels in place and keeps your bike balanced, similar to your home bike trainer. Your handlebar plugs into a safety mount which is attached to the steel guide wire. You can also wear a climbing harness and clip into this safety mount as an extra precaution. 

Kolelinia bike path in the sky

The bike path in the sky design is already on its third iteration and Martin is open to suggestions for improvement. Designer Orlin Tenchev has already suggested that as you will not be able to overtake other riders, perhaps a small roller on the back of the bike in front of you will help you create an ad-hoc tandem and propel the other rider along. 

I think this would be an exciting way to commute to work and would sure deal with road rage issues. At the same time though, I think I would be scared out of my skin!

(via Core77) 

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