Plastic is now found in almost every marine habitat on Earth, and we’re producing more…
Tag: Stanley
For those of us in desperate need of a caffeine fix in the morning, nothing is worse than having to wait for your coffee or tea to cool down before you can drink it. Stanley to the rescue with their new QuickSip system for Spring ’17 that sucks up excess heat from your morning cup of joe until it hits perfect drinking temp — then keeps it warm for hours after.
While most everyone enjoys a cold one after a long day on the trail or playing outside, it’s not always as easy as rocking up to your favorite local dive bar. While cold beer is always refreshing, on longer trips it’s a little less feasible. With the plethora of artisanal spirits now available, why not go all Mad Men and start whipping up fancy cocktails each night in camp? For Spring ’16, Stanley makes it easier with a complete yet compact cocktail system.
Just because you are heading outdoors doesn’t mean you want to leave your libations at home.…