Tag: waterpoof breathable

SeasonFive Barrier Short Sleeve Top Review

SeasonFive watersports apparel

Neoprene wetsuits make fabulous insulators for sports where you are continually immersed in cold water. As soon as you get out of the water however, the neoprene rapidly builds up heat, sweat, stink and overall discomfort. New company SeasonFive aims to address this huge gap in the market with their line of waterproof yet breathable technical watersports apparel. 

What Is The Best Waterproof Breathable Fabric?

REI waterproof breathable fabric

The debate continues in the outdoor industry over what is the best waterproof breathable fabric. This has led to much confusion at the consumer level as to how to choose between waterproof breathable fabrics and what actually is the difference. T.D. Wood gives a great, detailed explanation over on the REI Expert Advice blog about what exactly is waterproof breathable fabric and how it works. I will try and sum up the highlights here for you. 

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