Tag: Detours Coffee Bag

Waterproof Protection For Your Gear

Wadi Mujib

Wading through Wadi Mujib, photo courtesy of Columbia Sportswear

The pervasive theme of my summer so far has been fog and water. I am not complaining, however, as I prefer this very much to unrelenting heat, but wet weather can do a number on you and your gear. Whether you are canyoneering, paddling, or just recreating outside in not so suitable weather, there are plenty of waterproof gear options to keep your stuff dry. Below you will find five items that I have regularly taken with me on my adventures this summer. 

Way Better Than A Ziploc Bag

Koki bike bag

We have all been there before- you get ready to head out on a ride, grab your cell phone, some money, and maybe your drivers license, then toss them all in a Ziploc bag to go in your back jersey pocket. Well now there are a number of more functional and nicer looking bike bag options to protect your essentials and make them accessible on your ride. 

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