While Columbia High Road embraces the latest and greatest from the High-Tech world, for the past two years, Team Garmin has looked to the Medical world to find new and innovative ways to ethically improve athletic performance. Before last year's Tour de France, the Team heard of a medical device, made by NormaTec, that was being used as a recovery tool by groups such as the Navy SEALs, University of Florida and the Pittsburgh Pirates.
The NormaTec MVP is a machine, that through inflatable arm sleeves or boots, externally compresses the limbs in a way that mimics normal physiology, mobilizing fluid within the tissue and therefore aiding recovery. Team Garmin riders take two to three 30 minute sessions a day in the device: once in the morning, once immediately before or after massage, and once just before bed.
Last year, the Team also utilized cooling products from Cincinnati Sub-Zero Medical to return the rider's core temperature to normal faster, thus enabling a better nights sleep.
It must be good as George Hincapie was moved to Tweet about using it!