In the wake of the devastating earthquake in Haiti last week, the Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) asked its members to step up and help in the relief efforts in any way that they could. Below is a list of the Outdoor companies that have come forward and what type of aid they are offering. A couple of companies are selling gear at Outdoor Retailer so if you are going to the show, please stop by their booths.
Vasque footwear announced that they would donate almost 1000 pairs of shoes to the non-profit Soles4Souls for immediate transport to Haiti. Soles4Souls is partnering with churches, non-profits and companies like Vasque in sending 30 container loads of emergency relief supplies to the devastated country.
I/O Bio Merino is raising money for Haiti at Outdoor Retailer Winter this week. The Company will be selling its unique street-style merino clothing at its booth (BOOTH 6037) from 5:00-6:00pm every day of the show. All the money raised will go to the World Food Program and Doctors Without Borders to aid in their relief efforts in Haiti.
Exxel Outdoors has donated 1000 adult and children's sleeping bags for the Haiti earthquake victims, including covering the freight costs to ship the over 4000 pounds of product from Alabama to Miami.
Timberland is redirecting their ongoing support of Wyclef Jean and his Yéle Haiti foundation, from reforestation to the country's massive relief effort underway.
Sierra Trading Post in matching employee donations up to $5,000 through this week. The Company has chosen World Vision and Doctors Without Borders to receive their donations.
Personal accessory company Uncommon has created the Haiti Relief iPhone Case Collection featuring designs inspired from Haiti. 100% of the profits will go to the American Red Cross.
Did I miss anyone? Please leave a comment with any other companies you know that are helping out!