Since 2009, design studio Alite Designs has been creating a variety of outdoor gear such as backpacks, sleeping bags, tents, and outdoor chairs with the sole purpose of getting people more excited to head outdoors. The group's latest creation, the Clover Cook Set, is a 3-in-1 cooking tool that is lightweight, simple to use, and would be a great addition to any outdoor cooking setup or even your home kitchen. I have been using a cook set at home for everything from from flipping quesadillas to making spaghetti sauce.
The Clover Cook Set includes a spatula and a spoon that can be used separately or joined together to make a set of extremely useful tongs. The spatula features a serrated edge you can use to cut portions, open packages, or even slice through softer fruits and vegetables.
A slot at the base of the spatula enables you to securely nest the spoon in order to make tongs that are great for stirring pasta, turning bacon, or to serve salads. For easy storage, the spoon and spatula snuggle together so they won't take up too much room in your backpack or kitchen drawer.
The Clover Cook Set is made from BPA-free, FDA approved Nylon 6. This means the pieces are safe to use on non-stick cookware, safe to throw in the dishwasher, and heat resistant up to 480°F.
Alite has completed the design and development of the Clover Cook Set but in order to fund the tooling and materials required for full production, the company is running a Kickstarter campaign to take pre-orders. For $20 you can get your own cook set. Anything above a $20 pledge, Alite is throwing in some of their other cool products such as the Squirrel Day Pack and Monarch Chairs.
Alite has kindly donated a Clover Cook Set to giveaway to one lucky reader. To enter, simply leave a comment below with your favorite outdoor recipe where an Alite utensil set would come in handy to help you cook it up. The most mouth watering recipe wins! The winner will be chosen one week from today- the 9th of February.