Two years ago, Inov-8 dipped their toe into the CrossFit waters with the launch of the Bare-XF 210. Now with a huge product blowout planned for the CrossFit Games later this summer, Inov-8 is jumping straight into the deep end, launching their Fastlift 315 and 335 weightlifting shoes.
The Fastlift were built in conjunction with Casey Burgener, US weightlifter and son of Mike Burgener, a huge advocate of wearing lifting shoes during your CrossFit workout. To avoid you making a fool of yourself for either wearing running shoes, or worse yet, changing in and out of different shoes during your workout, Inov-8 created a weightlifting shoe that can be used for all parts of your CrossFit session.
Cylindrical tubes form a power-truss from your midfoot to your heel, providing a lightweight and stable base for strength through your lifts. A completely external heel cage gives you even more stability and adds comfort on the inside of the shoe. The Fastlift features a 16.5mm heel pitch, meeting all Olympic lifting shoe standards.
So that you can use your Fastlifts for the rest of your CrossFit workout beyond just weightlifting, the shoes are enhanced with flexibility in the forefoot and feature a sticky rubber outsole with suction cup indentations and inverse checker plate design for added grip. A seamless ripstop nylon upper means the Fastlifts are breathable and present no weak areas that can easily tear.
Each week of the CrossFit Regionals and the week of the CrossFit Games, Inov-8 is issuing you an extreme challenge. To win a pair of your own Faslift shoes, you just need to snap an Instagram photo of yourself taking on the weekly challenge, using the hashtag #ShowUsYourExtreme and the challenge name (i.e., #showusyourextreme #pushup).
Each Monday (starting today) a new challenge will be released and you have a week to submit your entry. Inov-8 will choose one winner each week to receive a new pair of Fastlift shoes and will choose five grand prize winners after the Games to win a Fastlift gift pack.
The Inov-8 Fastlift 315 (women’s) and 335 (men’s) weightlifting/CrossFit shoes will start shipping in July. The numbers correspond to the weight of the shoe in grams, typical for the Inov-8 naming convention.