As Craigslist quickly descends into the place to either find your stolen bike or worry about whether or not the buyer is going to show up with a gun, NYC resident Dave Dawson thought there had to be a more pleasant way to shop for a used bike. A self-proclaimed "dude who likes bikes", Dave started the Get Biked email list about 5 months ago to connect buyers and sellers of used bikes in New York City.
Get Biked is a community of people who just generally care about bikes. If you’re looking to sell your bike, this helps ensure that your baby will go to a good home. Each Tuesday, a new email gets sent to the community with a list of all the bikes for sale. The list also goes up on the Get Bike website.
Currently, the Get Biked email list includes over 1,000 people who are interested in used bikes. Each week, Dave personally goes through each submission, ensuring that the photo and description has all of the necessary information to allow a buyer to make an informed decision.
As an all-inclusive community, Get Biked accepts bikes of all shapes, sizes, and qualities, whether you want to sell a $50 kid's bike or a $3500 carbon racer. The goal is to welcome any type of bike enthusiast into the community. The only bikes that won’t be included in the list are those with missing, or incomplete descriptions. Current bikes for sale on the site range from a $1200 Specialized Ruby Comp to a $250 vintage Glider frame single speed.
Right now the Get Biked email list is only for bikes in the NYC area, but Dave has plans to expand to other cities in the near future.