Nearly ten years in the making, the Quiver AeroPoint.50 is almost ready for launch. CEO, Stephen Bradley, started Scottish company Ice Cool Industries (makers of the HandyCUFF) after seeing a solar reflective insulated bottle from Dubai. He thought he could definitely make a better product for the market.
Evaluating different insulators, Stephen stumbled upon Aspen, the MIT spin out. Aspen's Aerogel product is a thin, flexible and durable insulation blanket that provides eight to ten times more effective insulation than other products available on the market today. Aerogel was originally made for use in aerospace and heavy industrial applications but has recently been reduced to more consumer price points, making the technology a viable option for Quiver and other outdoor gear or apparel products. Aerogel has even been tested on the top of Mt Everest and in other extreme outdoor situations.
To get product development up and running, Stephen worked with Knowledge Transfer Partners (KTP), a program run through Scottish Enterprise. KTP facilitates a link between companies and universities in order to deliver on specific projects. Ice Cool Industries was awarded a 3 year project with the University of Strathclyde where 60% of the costs were funded by the government. Dr. Angela Stone and graduate designer Kieran McCrorie, helped Ice Cool complete the Quiver bottle insulator, now in its final production.
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