Stuffits Shoe Saver Review

Stuffits Shoe Saver

For Christmas, I bought myself and the resident Canadian a pair of Stuffits Shoe Savers. The objective was to keep Terry's running shoes dry and stink free during rainy season in Northern California, where my pair would be used to dry out my ice climbing boots each night during my three weeks in Ouray. 

Stuffits are a pair of soft, foot-shaped shoe inserts stuffed with eastern red cedar. Upon return from your run, hike, bike or climb, you place the Stuffits in your shoes and they immediately start to absorb moisture, aided by the dual-wick fabric shell exterior. 

The detachable carry strap comes in handy both for carrying your boots or shoes around as well as helping to pull out the Stuffits. The inserts themselves smell great- Lola loved them as a stick smelling chew toy- and the cedar does double de-stink duty by both absorbing odor and the moisture that helps grow odor causing bacteria. 

Stuffits Shoe Savers

After wearing my Scarpa Phantom Lite's all day ice climbing here in Ouray, I will come home and insert my Stuffits into my boots. The next morning, I wake up and my boots are dry, ready for another day on the ice. As an added bonus, my boots do not smell!

Stuffits claim to remove more than 98% of the moisture in your shoes after 24 hours versus only 50% moisture removal if you let them air dry alone. I can't vouch for the exact level of dryness but I can definitely tell my boots are pretty much dry in the morning after only 12 hours of drying time with the Stuffits.

Bottom Line: For footwear such as cold weather boots where you just can't afford to have wet feet, the Stuffits will help you dry them faster and minimize odor. The shoe inserts are also great for wet weather footwear such as hiking boots or trail runners where the cold, damp air never dries them fully on their own. Hopefully the Stuffits will help extend the life of your footwear as well.  

The Stuffits retail for $24.95 with the replacement cedar inserts at $9.95. 

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