REI Wins April Fools

REI events

If you regularly peruse upcoming events at your local REI, Denverites may have noticed something a bit off–and awesome. Three events scheduled for April 1st promise to help you become “that guy” or “that girl” in the outdoors. I am kind of sad they are sold out.

Earlier this week, I received a tip off from one of my friends on Facebook who is most likely the architect of said prank together with REI. My favorite course has to be Advanced Grunting for Indoor Bouldering where “shirts are not allowed for male participants.” Or how about Up Your Spray Game where you can learn how to talk like you climb way harder than you actually do.

So now the hunt is on–I am curious if any of the other local REI stores have created April Fools related events. If you find one let me know!

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