Not every bike comes with braze-ons or other bolt-on points to install a standard front rack. So what if you want to carry more stuff on the front of your bike than you can with a simple handlebar bag? Outdoor gear design company Radical Design has come up with a solution in their lightweight and versatile front rack that will fit on any bike.
The Bikepacking Front Rack MTB is made to fit bikes with front suspension or rigid and carbon forks, and it can be installed quickly without the need for any bolts. Made from a combination of rubber and nylon mesh, the rack weighs only 640 grams and attaches to your bike via a series of straps and buckles.
Mesh pockets on either side can store large dry bags, while the top section adapts to handle a variety of cargo including more dry bags, sleeping bags, or tents. In short, you can carry a ton of stuff.
The Bikepacking Front Rack MTB will fit most 35mm forks, plus or minus 5mm. The flexible rack retails for €275 and can be ordered from the Radical Design website.
Check out the video below to get a better idea of how the rack attaches to any bike and how much stuff you can actually carry.