Outdoor gear company Cnoc is expanding beyond hydration solutions into lightweight carbon fiber trekking poles for the trail. Made in the USA, the poles are not only lightweight, but also easily repairable with off the shelf parts in case something goes wrong.
If you aren’t familiar with Cnoc, they are a small team of four hikers based in Portland, Oregon, that set out to create gear they wanted—but no one makes—with minimalist design, fair manufacturing, and reduced impact on the earth. Their motto is, “We make gear lists come true.”
As there was no large large-scale domestic manufacturer of trekking poles, Cnoc turned to Goodwinds Composites. The company manufactures carbon fiber tubes of such quality that NASA contracted with them to make parts for the landing gear of the Mars helicopter, scheduled to land on the Red Planet in 2021. In other words, you know they are going to be durable.
Cnoc also worked with the team to develop a new quick lock for secure length adjustment that works on friction instead of compression, and comfortable grips made of natural, compressed cork or soft EVA foam.
Given that the carbide tips of most trekking poles are the first thing to wear down, Cnoc wanted to make sure these were easily replaceable. Via a simple screw on solution, the poles can fit the housing of pretty much any off the shelf carbide tip on the market when it is time to replace the parts.
The Cnoc Poles offer a great range of usable length, from 71 cm for compact storage to 158 cm for taller people. The extra-long deployed length also allows for the poles to support most shelters in the market.
Cnoc is currently running a Kickstarter campaign to take pre-orders on the trekking poles. You can choose either EVA foam or cork grips on the telescopic poles and prices start at $125. Expected delivery is in February.
Thanks for the mention! Link for the campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cnocoutdoors/cnoc-telescopic-poles