New action sports brand Deliver Clothing is getting ready to make a splash at ispo this winter. The Bavarian brand started off as a design school project but now the team are trying to turn Deliver Clothing into a proper action sports brand for the snow, skate and bmx scene. Deliver Clothing's mission is to encourage individuality and to help bring unique pieces into your everyday action sports life.
Similar to the structure of Alite Designs, Deliver Clothing is basically a group of friends and designers who have come together to have fun and work on their own clothing designs under one action sports brand roof.
The current product range includes beanies, bags, t-shirts, hoodies, baggy sweatpants, checkered shirts and dresses. Prices range from 11 euro for the retro shutter shade glasses to 70 euro for the mens hoodies. You can download the entire product catalog including price list here.
This action sports brand has a long way to go in terms of the consumer product sales experience. After reviewing the product catalog, you have to send them an email with the items you would like to order. You then have to pay with cash or money bank transfer for your items before they will ship them via DHL. Not very practical. Hopefully they will wise up soon to the cheap and convenient third party e-commerce platforms out there in order to really grow their business. Perhaps they will pick up some distributors at ispo this year as well.