Been waiting to purchase those new ski boots until they go on sale? Spend hours surfing all the online gear sites to find the best deal? Well now Gear Burger is here to do all the heavy lifting for you so that you can have those ski boots and other outdoor gear at the price you want it.
Gear Burger monitors over 25 online outdoor gear retailers such as REI, Backcountry, Patagonia, Moosejaw, KonaSports and almost 3000 brands to find the best gear deals. All you have to do is register your category interest with Gear Burger and you will receive a daily email with all the best deals on the web.
You can flag a specific piece of gear that you are looking for or you can select a broader category such as biking gear or climbing and mountaineering gear. You can even set your minimum price, maximum price, and minimum discount levels that you are willing to take.
Gear Burger lets you pick how often you want to receive an email filled with your gear deals, in case you don't want it daily, and even turn the emails off while you are away on your 3 week expedition. An Android app and hopefully soon an iPhone app will give you access to your gear deals whenever and wherever you are.
Gear Burger was founded by Chad Rosen and Rob Webb last year after they got tired of missing all the great deals on snowboard gear. The company originally started monitoring the main one-deal-at-a-time sites, such as Steep And Cheap, but has now changed to aggregate outdoor gear sales form all the online retailers.
So if you want to be alerted when and where your must have gear goes on sale, head on over to Gear Burger and tell them you all your gear desires!