Looks like The Clymb is about to get some competition. New members-only website PlanetGear.com officially launches next week to bring you deals on outdoor gear and travel.
Similar to The Clymb, PlanetGear.com will partner with leading outdoor brands to offer sale events on gear, apparel and trips at up to 70% off the retail price. The sales will begin at 8:00 AM Pacific Time and last for 72 hours. All the sales will be on a first come, first serve basis.
PlanetGear.com was started by Salt Lake City native Veronique Markewitz, married to outdoor photographer Scott Markewitz. I will be interested to see how PlanetGear.com plans to differentiate themselves.
If you sign up at PlanetGear.com before March 31st, you will be entered to win a $200 shopping spree so check it out.