While you are out and about taking advantage of all of the great outdoor gear deals this weekend, one of your best shopping allies just might be your smartphone. With on the spot coupons, detailed product information and price comparisons on gear, your phone can be a handy tool for turning you into a savvy shopper and saving even more money over the holidays.
You can sign up for The North Face Summit Signals program which sends you a text message whenever you are in the vicinity of one of The North Face stores. With TNF Summit Signals, you receive promotions, content, information, and exclusive deals on their outdoor gear. The North Face is also planning to alert you to the latest weather forecast when you arrive at a certain trail head or mountain.
Smartphone applications, such as the RedLaser app, allow you to scan product labels and search for lower prices in a nearby store or place the item on your wish list to share with friends and family members. TGI Black Friday aggregates all available newspaper deals over the weekend and ShopKick rewards you when you walk into a store. The popular Google Shopper app lets you scan barcodes for detailed product information, gives you online price comparisons and a list of nearby stores that sell the gear you want.
Eastern Mountain Sports and PrimaLoft have teamed up to to launch a new in-store promotion involving a proprietary WiFi network and Quick Response (QR) barcodes. The dedicated PrimaLoft in-store network is available to any EMS customer with a WiFi enabled device and will give you the opportunity to instantly learn more about PrimaLoft insulation available in EMS garments and products. You can also access the same technical information by scanning QR codes on point of sale graphics in-store.
What are some of your favorite mobile shopping apps?