The private sale site market for outdoor gear is starting to get crowded. Newcomer Driftwagon and Keep Me Outside join incumbents The Clymb, PlanetGear, and LeftLane Sports, among others, to offer you even more opportunities to snag some cheap gear.
California based Driftwagon claims to have an arsenal of gear and apparel ready and waiting for those with an active lifestyle. The website will focus on both hard goods and soft goods such as apparel, footwear and accessories for almost any outdoor sport from surfing to climbing. In a bid to differentiate themselves form the crowd, Driftwagon will also feature artwork from a variety of artists involved in the outdoor industry.
As with the other private sale sites, memberships is free and all the great prices are exclusive to those invited members. Sales will run for a 3-5 day period, or until product runs out. To entice you to sign up, Driftwagon will off free ground shipping through 2011.
Keep Me Outside is the new outdoor equivalent of Groupon. Once you sign up for the service, check the website or your email for daily deals on local outdoor activities such as golfing, skiing, surfing or climbing lessons.
Keep Me Outside negotiates deep discounts with popular outdoor activity providers in your area. If you see something you want to do, sign up, and if enough people participate, the deal is yours. Simply print out your coupon and head on outdoors to enjoy your purchased activity.
So what do you think of all these new gear sale sites? The more the merrier or is the space becoming too crowded?