There is no better sense of accomplishment than when you build something from scratch using your own hands. Whether it be a pumpkin pie or a tiny house, the experience is the same. Singapore company Bamboobee has launched a Build It Yourself (BIY) Bike Kit that lets you build our own bamboo bike from parts in just a few days.
The BIY Bike Kit comes with 7 different bamboo pieces that make up the frame structure, along with all the necessary tools required for a simple weekend home project. You don’t need sophisticated machinery or engineering expertise to build your own bamboo bike–all you need are some simple tools and a little patience.
The seven bamboos are meant to represent seven different virtues–nature, kinship, natural cycle, happiness, learning, freedom, and the spirit of adventure. Inspired by his 2011 solo cycling expedition in Central Asia on a bike he built himself, Singapore designer Sunny Chuah wanted to offer the same sense of joy and accomplishment to everyone else.
The BIY Bike Kit is designed for all age groups to be able to build a bike frame from scratch. The most unique feature is that you do not need electricity or complicated tools to build the bike–no welding required here. This makes the bamboo bike a great first bike build for any kid that wants to learn more about bikes or who may aspire to be a handmade bike builder.
After building the frame, you can either assemble the rest of the bike yourself with parts of your choosing, or bring the self-made frame to your local bike shop for final assembly. The BIY Bike Kit basically enables you to customize your bike and own something that is completely unique in the world.
Bamboobee claims that their bike workmanship has been tested under the International Safety Standard for bike frames, but they also state that they will not take responsibility if there is anything wrong with your frame build. In other words, you need to test the frame to make sure it is up for the ride.
There are 3 sizes available in the BIY Bike Kit–small, medium, and large. You can pre-order yours for $169 + $30 delivery for the US. Expected delivery is in February.