Grilling on an outdoor adventure is fun but not always easy. Either you have to buy charcoal and bring along a huge portable grill or find a park or campsite with dedicated grills. It can be a messy and labor intensive experience. To make outdoor grilling easier and more fun, PointElevate designed a gas grill that is big enough to cook for a group (286-square-inch grilling surface), but compact and light enough to carry to a more remote outdoor destination.
We started using the Elevate Grill for regular dinners and even breakfasts on the beach. Muir Beach is only a few minutes drive away for us and a great place to take Lola to get her zoomies out at the end of the day. While other parties are roasting hot dogs over one of the dedicated fire pits (which isn’t always lawful on spare the air days here), we are cooking up chicken fajitas as the sun sets or coffee, bacon, and pancakes on early Sunday mornings. Let’s just say the surfers get a bit jealous.
The Elevate Grill operates in much the same way your home propane grill works. Each side of the grill can be operated independently–to light, simply push in the button to switch on the ignitor then turn the dial to release and the light the gas.
The portable gas grill is entirely self contained. The 16.4 ounce Coleman gas canister (sold separately) and regulator fit inside the compartment located in the middle of the grill. The two grill sides fold up together and the legs turn into a handle for easy one hand carrying–just make sure you let the grill cool completely before folding. All in, including gas, the portable grill weighs about 26 pounds and is smaller than a Labrador (pictured with Lola for reference).
Both the cast iron grill plates and grease trays are removable. The grease trays you can simply throw in the dishwasher when you get home and much like a cast iron pan, simply wipe off the grill plates or use a little vegetable oil and salt to scrub off the chunks.
The Elevate Grill works even in a heavy wind. Most of the time there is a piping sea breeze at Muir Beach and never once did the grill go out and remained hot enough to thoroughly and quickly cook chicken–the portable gas grill pumps out 14,000 BTU of power.
Needless to say, we look forward to many more grilled beach and even car camping meals this summer. For $135, you can be one of the first to own the Elevate Grill–the company is running a Kickstarter campaign to take pre-orders with expected delivery in June.
To complete your gourmet outdoor meal, don’t forget the Stanley Adventure Cooler to keep all the ingredients cold and therefore safe to eat, and since glass is not allowed on the beach, an insulated Klean Kanteen Growler or bottle filled with your favorite beverage.
IMO a grill without a lid is at a disadvantage. Getting sensitive meats up to “safe” temperature without making them dry will be difficult, or grilling in the wind (heat loss, flame blowing out, etc).
Could be. You might be able to fashion some sort of wind break or even cover to help the cooking process along. We didn’t have a problem with the chicken but they were cut in smaller strips.