While on deployment in Afghanistan, a soldier came up with the idea for a compact, finger-driven multi-tool. Working together with MIT Engineering and more than 50 revisions later, the GRIPsher multi-tool is finally ready for primetime.
GRIPsher is a natural extension of your hand. It is designed to replace all the times you use your finger tips to pinch a hex bolt, your finger nail to screw in a flat head, or pinch a wire to strip it.
The stainless steel multi-tool can be used for over 20 different functions, including bottle opener, wire cutter, hex wrench, knife, flat head and Phillips screwdriver to name a few. Glow-in-the-dark jaws at the base create the Hexgrip System that allows an easy and fully adjustable way to secure hex screw bits in one cutout and hex bolts and nuts in the other cutout, which is at a 20 degree angle for easy use.
For $35, you can pre-order your own GRIPsher multi-tool over on Kickstarter. Even cooler, for $60 you can order the GRIPsher black model and a U.S. military service member will receive one as well. Delivery is expected March 2017.