
Whistle Dog Activity Monitor

Whistle Dog Activity Monitor

You monitor your every move in a bid for better fitness so why not do the same for your dog? San Francisco based startup Whistle has designed an activity monitor solution to measure and analyze your dog's daily activities, including walks, playtime, and even rest, delivering a quantified perspective on both the day to day and long term behavioural trends of your favorite furry friend. 

Ruffwear Swamp Cooler Review

Ruffwear Swamp Cooler

When the weather heats up here in Northern California, Lola seems to enjoy our hikes less and less. On the really hot days, she heads to the shade and lies down, finished after only 20 minutes. Without a regular place to take her swimming every day, I was excited to try out the updated Swamp Cooler from Ruffwear in the hopes of offering Lola some relief from the heat to better enjoy her time outdoors. 

Canada Pooch Dog Apparel And Accessories

Canada Pooch dog apparel

If there is any canine that knows how to be warm and look stylish at the same time, it's a Canadian dog. Playing on the popular Canadian winter apparel designer Canada Goose, Toronto based Canada Pooch designs fashionable and functional outerwear and accessories to keep your dog warm, comfortable, dry, and looking good.  

Dawg Grog Beer For Your Dog

Dawg Grog dog beer

Ever wanted to share a cold one with your canine companion after a long day on the trail or at the crag? Now you can. Safely. Bend resident and Boneyard Beer employee Daniel Keeton created a non-alcoholic brew that offers a safe and nutritious alternative your pet can enjoy alongside you while you kick back and enjoy your beer. 

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