Tag: spork

Kuma Spork

Kuma – The Ultimate Spork?

Kuma Spork

While most of us would not think the humble spork needed a redesign, product designer Micah Baclig felt differently. After a degree from Rhode Island School of Design where he spent researching eating utensils around the world, Baclig decided to take a brand new look at the popular outdoor utensil with a focus on sustainability and portability.

Pro-Idee Compact Backpacking Cutlery


A bit like the European equivalent of SkyMall, the Pro-Idee Concept Store is chock full of interesting outdoor products curated from across the globe. From VW camper van tents and picnic trolleys to handheld weather stations, you could spend hours trolling through the pages when bored. 

Everybody’s Kung Foon Eating On The Trail

GSI Kung Foon

You may never end up eating chinese food on the trail, but the new chopstick and spork (or foon in GSI speak) combination adds a whole new level of fun and functionality to the lowly utensil. You will thoroughly impress your friends when you pull the Kung Foon out of your pack and start stirring the boiling pasta without burning your hand. 

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