Just in time for the winter sports season, Bend, OR company GearSlash.com launched their new website for outdoor gear deals. Focused mainly on snowboarding gear at the moment, GearSlash.com is working closely with hand selected core brands to offer big deals on snowboards, bindings, watches, outerwear, apparel, gloves, goggles and sunglasses.
Similar to other flash sale websites, GearSlash.com showcases one outdoor gear deal at any time. A clock indicates the amount of time left on the sale and a counter displays the number of items left in stock. The unique feature of GearSlash.com however, is that shoppers get to vote on what outdoor gear deal is featured next. The more votes a product receives, the quicker it is moved to the top of the waiting list. All flash sales are final and the outdoor gear deals you won are shipped out daily.
Unlike the new outdoor gear deal private member club The Clymb, GearSlash.com bears a closer resemblance to steepandcheap.com, the flash sale site for
. GearSlash.com is the equivalent flash sale site for online winter sports season retailer SolsticeSupply.com.
GearSlash.com brands include Airblaster, Anon Sunglasses, Academy Snowboards, Artec Snowboards, Ashbury Eyewear, Atmosphere Outerwear, Automaton Snowboards, Bent Metal, Celtek Gloves, Elm Company, Flux Bindings, GNU, Grenade Gloves, Holden Outerwear, IS Goggles, Lib Tech, Lifetime Collective, Nikita Clothing, Nixon Watches, Roxy Snowboards and Union Binding.
So if you are gearing up for the winter sports season, head on over to GearSlash.com!