Next time you throw a party or BBQ at the beach, make it BYOB — bring your own boardshorts. The days of bashing bottles on tables or ruining your keys to open your beverage are over. Simply lift the pocket flap of your shorts and enjoy.
Outdoor gear with built-in bottle openers was all the rage for awhile — remember your buddy using his grimy Reef flip flops to open your Lagunitas IPA? Yeah, that. With a bit more of an appetizing design, Island Daze, a surfer owned and operated surf apparel manufacturer, teamed up with Pancho Sullivan, a World Champion pro-surfer, to launch a new brand of boardshorts with a built-in bottle opener that is attached to the pocket flap of the shorts.
Called BBO Shorts, they come in 5 stylish boardshorts and a cargo hybrid walkshort with multiple colorways (14 styles in all) to choose from. The shorts are made with a combination of quick drying four-way and two-way stretch fabrics. The Mako and Reel style boardshorts include an added feature of a plier pocket for all you fishing enthusiasts out there.
The bottle opener attachment is extremely lightweight and does not affect your surfing, SUP, fishing, or any other type of activities.
BBO Shorts are available in size 30 – 38 and retail for $48 — available from the company website.