
Looxcie Wearable Camcorder In A Bluetooth Headset

Looxcie Wearable Camcorder

Think normal helmet cameras are too bulky and hard to attach? Want to upload your videos instantly to share with all your friends? Well meet the Looxcie wearable camcorder which doubles as a bluetooth headset for hands-free talking on your cell phone. 

SeasonFive Technical Watersports Apparel

SeasonFive technical watersports apparel

SeasonFive is a new technical watersports apparel company that is looking to offer you an alternative to overheating in a neoprene wetsuit or freezing in your rash guard while out playing on the water. With their own waterproof breathable fabric and great design, you can now be comfortable on the water regardless of the conditions. 

Point 65ºN Modular Recreational Kayak

Point 65ºN Modular Recreational Kayak

Swedish kayak maker Point 65ºN has created the Tequila, a new, modular kayak that can be broken down into two or three separate pieces. Designed with the criteria of being able to fit in the back of your car, the Tequila is a fun, versatile and high-performance recreational kayak that is easy to carry, store and haul.

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